Decarbonization with


Accelerating development of competitive, resilient, and sustainable district energy infrastructure.


Answering the call for


dJoule (pronounced “jewel’) sparks investment in ambitious district energy solutions for industry, institutions, corporations, and campuses that are economically and strategically motivated to decarbonize their core business. We are an energy holding, development, and advisory company with broad expertise in district energy, real estate, and construction. We engage anchor customers and their communities to re-capitalize existing assets and decarbonize.



Together with our anchor customers and partners, we develop visibly sustainable and grid-integrated thermal energy utility enterprises that invest to achieve ambitious carbon, resilience, and economic goals.

Why us, why now?

Most central (thermal) utility plants and district energy networks in North America are still owned and operated as cost centers. We unlock value by shaping for investment as self-sustaining district energy enterprises that provide competitive, sustainable, and resilient energy to connected customers.

The heat is on

Communities are calling for change now, as our planet depends on it. Institutions, companies, industry, investors, and government are responding. The stage is set to think bigger and move faster. District energy is a platform for economic development that can massively integrate waste heat and renewable energy from the local environment and electricity grid.

Sharing is caring

Energy loads in multiple facilities are aggregated and served by the district energy network. Surplus waste heat and intermittent renewable energy is stored and used as a primary thermal energy resource, benefiting the economy and environment. Space is simplified and freed for higher and better use in the community.

Self-sustaining solutions

District energy development, renewal, and growth is efficiently financed in a variety of self-sustaining structures that ensure long-term operation as competitive, customer-oriented enterprises.

  • Not-for-profit
  • Public private partnership
  • Customer-owned cooperative
  • For-profit utility, poised to grow
  • Renewable energy as a service
  • Concession

A cleaner community

District energy succeeds when community aspirations align with economic and environmental benefits for local stakeholders.

What can dJoule do for your enterprise?

Leadership team

Leveraging our complementary district energy, real estate, construction, and development expertise, our team is keenly focused on turning aging assets into thriving district energy enterprises for the benefit of connected customers and their communities.


DSI alliance

dJoule aligns with several highly capable environmental, engineering, and construction companies as well and mission-aligned organizations such as the International District Energy Association and the CleanTech Alliance.

DSI is one particularly talented company who is providing expert environmental fluid dynamic modeling support to our team and local stakeholders.  Support to facilitate investment in assets that provide clean energy to institutional customers and cool water to salmon threatened during migration.


Net zero carbon at UBC Okanagan

We are proud to have advised the University of British Columbia in the development of a High Level Net Zero Carbon District Energy Strategy in their continued efforts toward a resilient, competitive, sustainable, and self-sustaining district energy operation.


Decarbonizing Portland's urban core

With a local equity partner we engaged to shape the startup and development of a renewable district energy enterprise to serve both existing and new customers in Portland’s River District. A system that would feature waste heat recovery, thermal storage, and renewable gas in service to connected customers.

Start a conversation

Our development team is keenly interested in collaborating with select customers and partners to decarbonize institutions, campuses, and communities. We engage where new and existing buildings are connected to fossil steam or hot water networks and where neighborhoods are growing on the fringe. Where fossil fuel is a primary energy source, and the institutional will is emerging (or exists) to take action to improve economics, resilience, and sustainability.